Free ‘Pandora Expedition Guide’ eBook (& Update)

Disney Tourist Blog
Free ‘Pandora Expedition Guide’ eBook (& Update)

I spent yesterday going through the 2,000+ photos I took in Pandora – World of Avatar, trying to think of a good way to share them on the blog without spoiling it for those who don’t want to be spoiled, and also while presenting them in an interesting way, rather than just a wall of photos…

Then I thought, why not an eBook? I think it makes sense given the mix of landscapes and close-up detail shots, and should be a good way of showcasing this unique land in an interesting way. To me, this seems like an ideal way of sharing the beauty of Pandora, and also making sure only those who want to see it, see it. Plus, I have no other plans for the holiday weekend, so why not spend it in front of a computer screen editing photos?! 😉

As with all of our Walt Disney World eBooks, this one will be totally free. Think of this as a “thank you” to everyone who has supported our fundraising campaign for Give Kids the World Village (over $7,000 raised so far…we’d love to add more to that total by the end of the weekend!). You’ll need to sign up for our email newsletter to receive a link to download free eBook once it’s finished (probably Monday night).

New subscribers will also receive a link to download Vacation Kingdom at Christmas and Money-Saving Tips for Walt Disney World (both of which are also completely free) immediately upon confirming your subscription. If you’re already a newsletter subscriber, please do not subscribe again–you’ll get the eBook automatically.

I’ll be honest: the text of this eBook is not going to be anything special. I have a few Pandora – World of Avatar posts that I’m in the process of writing, plus the spoiler-free Pandora review that I already posted…and it’ll basically be edited versions of those with a bit of new material mixed in to give it some degree of flow.

Since my goal is to get this eBook finished by Monday, I have basically a couple of days to edit 100+ photos and arrange them into an eBook. Writing something original in addition to that would be too much. This eBook is an excuse to present some cool photos in a neat way–the text doesn’t really matter, to me at least…


First, another thank you for the support to our Give Kids the World fundraiser we started yesterday. Originally, I thought our $1,000 goal for the weekend might be overly ambitious…and we reached that in under an hour. Now, we’re above $7,000! I have a new milestone in mind that I’d love to hit, but I don’t want to write it down for fear of jinxing it. (Not that I believe in that sort of thing.)

I’m hoping that the release of this eBook will motivate more people to donate…or just the fact that Give Kids the World Village is an exceptional organization will. We understand everyone’s financial circumstances are different, and truly, no amount is too small. It all adds up. If you’ve gotten a “churro’s worth” of enjoyment out of this blog, please consider donating $5.

Also, this is a good news/bad news situation. Many of you asked for a trip report from this visit…and that’s not going to happen. Sorry. The reason for this is that we spent the vast majority of our time in Pandora, which will be covered in its own set of posts. Literally everything else we did (viewing Happily Ever After, meals at Le Cellier & Polite Pig, desserts at Amorette’s) will also be covered in a separate review post.

We only did 5 attractions that weren’t in Pandora (we didn’t even have time for Carousel of Progress or Impressions de France!), and not much else. It was an incredibly fun trip, but way too short and not at all varied. Any trip report would be redundant to other posts we’re going to write or have already written. Hopefully that makes sense, and you understand. I promise I’ll write one for the next Walt Disney World trip…we’re already itching to go back.

Not doing a trip report also opens up some time to do other things, like the aforementioned eBook. Just as importantly, I have a number of posts that need to be updated to reflect not just the opening of Pandora – World of Avatar, but also the debut of Happily Ever After, and new entertainment at Disney’s Hollywood Studios. There’s a lot changing for Summer 2017 in terms of Walt Disney World touring strategy, and we have roughly two-dozen posts that are in relatively urgent need of updates to reflect that.

For the posts that have significant changes, I’ll bump them to the first two pages of the blog with “last updated” dates so you know what you’re reading is current info. So, stay tuned to page 1 and page 2 of the blog if you’re in the planning stages of a Walt Disney World vacation, as that’s where updated posts will end up. (No Pandora spoiler photos will be added to these posts.)

The Monday night newsletter will also cover a lot of what’s been updated, so you can just wait for that if you’d prefer. In case you’re not already subscribed, here’s the signup form for our free weekly newsletter, which covers Disney updates, news, and rumors…

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You’ll receive a link to download free copies of our current eBooks after you confirm your subscription to our newsletter. You will not immediately receive a link to download Pandora – Expedition Guide until Monday night.

If for some reason you don’t receive the link to download the eBook, check your spam folder or promotions folder in Gmail. If that doesn’t work…I don’t know. Try again? Or wait to see if the email is a bit delayed? A handful of subscribers seem to not get this confirmation email right away, and I have literally no idea why. This is all automated, and I’m absolutely worthless at troubleshooting problems.

Okay, that’s it for now. I just started the Pandora eBook late last night and if past eBooks are any indication, it’s going to take me another 12 hours to get all of the photos edited for it, 10 hours to get the layout of the eBook done, and who-knows-how-long to finish the text. Plus, I have a bunch of other posts to get edited. (I’m basically going to need a coffee IV drip to get this all finished by Monday night.) Time to get down to business…

This is a post in the Disney Tourist Blog RSS feed. For tips on Disney vacation planning, including dining reviews, tips & tricks, and other guides, check out Disney Tourist Blog!


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